Personal Wellness Presentations


Your Flight…Your Life… Your Journey…

Your Vision

 AUDIENCE: One-day retreat for any group of workplace TEAMS!
LENGTH: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

A day that may alter your life!

This relevant, practical, and stimulating one-day retreat has been developed for management/management teams/department teams/supervisors/etc. It has been specifically designed for personal introspection, refocusing, and planning the rest of one’s life. In doing so, participant’s will feel more confident, be more productive, perform their jobs more effectively and live more contently. The one-day personal retreat takes the participants on a journey considering their overall wellness, life balance, time management/life priorities, their attitude, life goals, happiness, and stress management. All of these, after careful consideration, will be blended in a life’s mission statement written by the participant. Living this mission statement daily will allow all who participate to intentionally LIVE their life mission while enjoying that journey. Each participant will receive a signed copy of the book that the retreat is based on as well! 

Personal Wellness:
Learn the difference between achieving total wellness vs. simply not being physically sick. A personal responsibility with intentional action is discussed within the seven dimensions of wellness. Specific strategies to reduce risk factors while improving the quality of one’s life will be shared. A seven dimension assessment is given to all participants for a self-assessment of the dimensions. A personal action plan will be developed based on your findings.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

This session focuses on practical and relevant ways to save and spend your hard-earned money. In this session you will learn the 12 Steps to Financial Independence. By following these 12 steps, you will gain control over your financial situation, thus relieving stress, gaining clarity, experiencing peace of mind, and feeling more secure about your financial future. Participants will readily see how their financial decisions can have a direct impact on all of their other 7 dimensions of wellness.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

This experience is designed to provide participants an opportunity to examine what zaps energy from their lives. Four keys to rejuvenation will be presented with the intent that one can stay energized and balanced personally, professionally as well as within their family.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

Participants will examine both short/long-term goals, identify the steps to attain those goals and think about specific behaviors that might deter one from achieving those goals. Learn a specific strategy on how to write and achieve those goals as well. Everyone will be encouraged to write their personal goals (their bucket list) while being invited to write a list with their spouse, significant other and with their children.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

In this session participants will learn the necessary ingredients with short stories and video clips to live a quality lifestyle and live WELL! As with a recipe, this list of ingredients is what is needed to “cook up” or “bake” a balanced, productive and well lifestyle.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

During this session true mirthful laughter will be experienced in a supportive environment under the guidance of a certified laughter leader that will reduce stress and promote health, happiness and definitely, well-being! Participants in this session will personally experience several activities that promote laughter. During these fun and interactive activities, participants begin to actually feel the many physical, emotional and social benefits of laughter. What a great way to “work out”.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

This session shares the benefits of laughter through a sprinkling of funny stories and embarrassing moments. Recent research will be provided on how laughter can affect not only one’s lifestyle but longevity as well. If you are a crier, bring tissue! You may also want to empty your bladder before the session begins.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

HAPPINESS: WHAT DOES IT TAKE? You'll be Surprised!
Take a serious look at what makes us happy. A sharing of some secrets from people who are experiencing true happiness will help participants find some possible strategies to assist in their happiness. “Grateful living” will be one of those strategies that can be infused in their life to begin that happiness acquisition. Participants will be given many ways to “say Yes” to happiness.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

In this session, participants will learn simple steps and strategies for getting more sleep, and learn how the lack of it influences one’s overall health. This is critical for a culture that celebrates how much one can do with little to no sleep.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

What do women of all ages need to prevent illnesses, create strong bodies, and be emotionally well? Discover informative ways to find time for sleep, exercise and healthy eating while balancing home and work.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

The next person who implores you to “don’t just sit there” might be your physician. “Sittosis”, the lack of movement because of sitting too long, may be inhibiting the circulation of lipase, an enzyme that absorbs fat. Learn about the dangers of too much sitting and strategies to intervene when sitting long hours in the workplace or at home. Participants are free to stand during this session.
TIME:  45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. depending on your needs. Trainings may take longer.
AUDIENCE: Management, Dept. Heads, Employees

What Do You Need to Know About Living Wills and the Power of Attorney?
This presentation specifically addresses the basics one should know about the need to have a Power of Attorney for Health Care document prepared and/or a written living will for your personal wishes regarding your life when decisions may be difficult to make! Wisconsin law is different than other states and facilitating this process could save you many headaches and court proceedings at a time when you may be unduly stressed.
Time: 45 minutes-1 hr.
Audience: Interested community members/aging population/young couples/ employees /etc.

Your Wake Up Call: Living by Intention and With a Purpose!
LENGTH: 1.5 hrs.-2 hrs
AUDIENCE:  General population, middle aged folks between the ages of 45-65, company employees, etc.
This thought-provoking presentation addresses a "WAKE UP CALL" for yourself!  Tom will discuss how you literally want to "SPEND" the rest of your life!  He will have you think about and identify your present life priorities and have you determine if you are spending quality time ON those priorities!!!!  He'll address what he calls, a collective lifestyle, where one balances their personal, professional and family lives while focusing on ones 8 dimensions of WELLNESS! He will strongly suggest creating a bucket list and writing a life's mission statement as well!  Come and truly begin to look at YOUR LIFE and how you would like to spend it!

Resilient Adults: Maintaining a strong mental 

          health through life's adversities!

Length 1 hr. Adults or teens(2 separate presentations)

This presentation will address what resiliency is, why we need to be resilient, and how to become more resilient as a teen or adult. Tom will share relevant and practical information and skills regarding our emotional and mental health that encourage resiliency.

Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary: Intentionally Aging Well while you Create Buckets Lists so you can Live Without Regrets!
LENGTH: 1 hr.
AUDIENCE:  Adults/Employees/General Populations
This presentation allows the participants to really begin to think about the "process" of aging at any age, intentionally doing things to aid in that process and creating achievable goals by writing bucket lists so they can live a life without regrets!  The main theme is not to be the best IN the world but the best FOR the world!  It allows the participants to look at short and long term goals, identify steps to attain and then write those goals while identifying behaviors that may prevent one from reaching those goals.  Tom will also discuss the importance of personal, family, spousal, friend and/or grandchild buckets lists as ways to really LIVE and "age well" without regrets!

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Tom Kidd, Wellness Specialist

715-456-4856   I